Now this isn’t going to be ask analytical as all my previous blog posts, I’m going to talk about my beliefs and whether or not I feel like I fit into the ideology of Idealism or Realism.
By no means am I a religious person, my parents grew up with religion but chose not to pass it on to my sister and I so we could form our own beliefs. So Idealism is immediately off the table. But with Realists they are searching for logical reason behind actions and behavior. Like how we mentioned a Realist talking about a sunset, they liked it because it reminded them of another sunset they saw in another place. They’re always making connections and boxing in their world from anything that isn’t scientifically legitimate or explainable.
So, I conclude, that I am neither.
Now I know it was said in class that you have to be one or the other, but hear me out. I believe in nothing. Sounds strange, huh? Allow me to elaborate. I don’t care about whether or not something exists in the world. There could be a god. There could not. There could be aliens. There could not. Both are equally plausible because neither have been proven and most likely won’t be. I don’t search for reasons behind everything, if I was sitting with the Realist and Idealist watching the sunset I would just be thinking about it, right there, in front of me. This is a unique sunset on this one day, in one place, and in one mind.
I usually describe my system of beliefs as Apatheist. I don’t care about the existence or nonexistence of something for it doesn’t affect my life. I don’t care for more meaning in everyday things other than it exists. If I happen upon a fight between an Idealist and a Realist, I would simply say they are both right. And they are both wrong. You cannot prove the legitimacy of either belief because that is what it is, a belief.
Some may think that my life must be sad and dull because I don’t care about anything. But that’s far from the truth. I find more joy in life than most people, I find, because I don’t question the world. I’m not going to get an answer, so I will just let it be. The world exists, I exist, and I’m experiencing the world. That is all.